ok so i've been slacking, really slacking. nothing has been done on anyone of our own damn cars.
however, mike's evo8 is back from the body shop. new paint on it. flat black. just need to do the rest of the crap that need to be done like timing belt, head gasket, etc. his silvia remins the same. going no where fast. while i've got my plates full of things to finish.
a closed friend of mine from boston left home to korea. leaving the lady in red king less to rule the streets. yes the nsx. still looking for a new owner.

i got meself a girlfriend! after 3 yrs of being single. i waited, and i found her. she is great, no, she is the best.

work has been crazy, shop is under going re-modeling and yes, like always, behind schedule. sweet...
this year, i'm gonna quit smoking... yes, i've been saying this for too many years, but the problem was that i never had a real reason to. but now i do.
this year, i'm gonna save more money. spend less on car crap... i hope... haha however i would like to pay off the rest of my bills save up enough money and go on vacations with my bb. (yes, that is my girlfriend's nick name)
this year, i think i'll loose more weight... haha... i think.
other then that, winter is here in boston. and i've been driving my bb's audi tt. i left silvia parking, buried underneath 2 feet of snow... i miss my piece of crap. hahah.

oh, and speedimage of colorado is now my bitch! haha, no in support of my great friend mo for many years. i am now deeper in debt to help a friend out. sponsoring him a set of hids for his headlights and a wings west pu front lip.

like always, i never send out xmas presents out on time. i have to get that done as well. holy crap.... jan is never a good month when it comes to money...
money, the root of all evil.
money, the root of all happiness,
money, is what makes the world go around.
enjoy the new year.... let see how well things will go for me this year...