Sunday, September 18, 2011

industry track day 2011

i showed up late as usual for just about everything not business related. but its quite a bit of a drive from chino hills to B.F.E! it was a pretty melo day. everyone seems pretty chill. i didn't get to drive and by the time i got there it was too late to get a ride around the course. boo... i did get a chance to play with my friend's camera. took some shots with my own little toy cam. here a peak of what i got.
my plan is to ship my z out for next year. its gonna be one freaking expensive trip...
got to met new people, catch up with some friends. all in all a great time.


its been relaxing the last few days. not have to worry about a thing besides what to eat or don't spent too much money. i got to visit friends in the car industry, 14hrs in disneyland. hanging out with family from all over the place even from u.k. for my cousin's wedding. so much to do so little time. today was the only day where i can really sit down and write all this. tommorrow, more bugging friends at their jobs. hahaha

Thursday, September 15, 2011


first stop norcal, staying with my cosuins in piedmont. close to oakland and sf.
its always great to see my cousin. not only i get to shoot my guns. i got to eat home made food from my auntie. i had to stop by japantown and also visit fatlace.
i love it. but i think i'm more of a socal guy. weather was beautiful there. always around 60. i didn't do much this time around because i lived there before. i just needed to relax and play 2 days worth of dead island haha.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


i've been busy...

moving back to cali.

taking care of business.

i can't wait...