i try not to use the word hate too much, but there is one thing i hate. when people talk shit. i mean really?! seriouslly?! so this guy, lets call him bacon. all i know he is one of those crimal background, selling fake boots and northface and broken down cars decides to call my friend mike and i out on facebook. bragging about how he is building a sc400 that is going beat ours. calls it "project shit on" then he goes on and on about where i work and how we don't fabricate anything so thus we are not a real shop and how i'm just a parts slinger and i don't know shit. puts a picture of my car when my friend owned it and saying that i told everyone i build that car. well, no, because that was taken way before i even owned the car. lies, lies, lies. seriously, east coast hood full of dumbshits. rich people too cheap to buy real stuff. what the fawk. so i guess now i'm gonna have to build my sc300 to shit on him just to prove a point. game on!